
Please see below for an in-progress full list, or use Google Scholar or Pubmed.


Full List (listing in progress)

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Distinct replay signatures for prospective decision-making and memory preservation
GE Wimmer, Y Liu, DC McNamee, RJ Dolan
PNAS (2023)

Reward learning and working memory: effects of massed versus spaced training and post-learning delay period
GE Wimmer, RA Poldrack
Memory & Cognition (2022)

Reactivation of single-episode pain patterns in the hippocampus and decision making
GE Wimmer, C Büchel
Journal of Neuroscience (2021)

Episodic memory retrieval success is associated with rapid replay of episode content
GE Wimmer, Y Liu, N Vehar, TEJ Behrens, R Dolan
Nature Neuroscience (2020)

Learning of distant state predictions by the orbitofrontal cortex in humans
GE Wimmer, C Büchel
Nature Communications (2019)

Impaired generalization of reward but not loss in obsessive–compulsive disorder
N Rouhani, GE Wimmer, FR Schneier, AJ Fyer, D Shohamy
Depression and Anxiety (2019)

Reward learning over weeks versus minutes increases the neural representation of value in the human brain
GE Wimmer, JK Li, KJ Gorgolewski, RA Poldrack
Journal of Neuroscience (2018)

Retroactive and graded enhancement of memory by reward
EK Braun, GE Wimmer, D Shohamy
Nature Communications (2018)

Reactivation of reward-related patterns from single past episodes supports memory-based decision making
GE Wimmer, C Büchel
Journal of Neuroscience (2016)

Social cognition as reinforcement learning: Feedback modulates emotion inference
JZ Zaki, S Kallman, GE Wimmer, KO Ochsner, D Shohamy
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2016)

Episodic memory encoding interferes with reward learning and decreases striatal prediction errors
GE Wimmer, EK Braun, ND Daw, D Shohamy
Journal of Neuroscience (2014)

Representation of aversive prediction errors in the human periaqueductal gray
M Roy, D Shohamy, ND Daw, M Jepma, GE Wimmer, TD Wager
Nature Neuroscience (2014)

Transfer of learning relates to intrinsic connectivity between the hippocampus, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and large-scale networks
RT Gerraty, JY Davidow, GE Wimmer, I Kahn, D Shohamy
Journal of Neuroscience (2014)

Preference by association: how memory mechanisms in the hippocampus bias decisions
GE Wimmer, D Shohamy
Science (2012)

Generalization of value in reinforcement learning by humans
GEW Wimmer, ND Daw, D Shohamy
European Journal of Neuroscience (2012)

The striatum and beyond: hippocampal contributions to decision making
B Knutson, S Rick, GE Wimmer, D Prelec, G Loewenstein
Neuron (2007)